These grain-free double chocolate zucchini muffins strike the perfect balance between healthy and indulgent eating.
It’s strange not to be getting a classroom set up this time of year. To get my classroom layout fix, I went to help my friend set up her room. She’ll be teaching kindergarten, and her space is amazing! Her classroom has its own coatroom with a full length cubby for each kid, plus a bathroom. The room has lots of windows on two sides, tons of built-in storage, and TWO sinks at the back–one kid height and one regular. On top of all that, the building is air conditioned! In six years of teaching, I definitely never had it that good.
Anyway, I wanted to bring something for me and my friend to snack on while we set up her classroom, and since I was going there mid-morning, I decided double chocolate zucchini muffins would be just the thing. I went with double chocolate muffins because what I really wanted was to make cupcakes. These are the perfect happy medium, and I snuck in a zucchini to make them extra moist and even more healthy.
A weird thing happened with these muffins. Let me know if you have any insights about this muffin mystery: when I tried a warm muffin before leaving the house, some of the muffin stuck to the paper liner. Not a ton, but a fair amount. I then wrapped some muffins in tinfoil to bring with me, but left the top of the tinfoil open since the muffins were still warm. At my friend’s school, the papers peeled off the muffins with virtually no crumbs attached–completely clean. The next morning, I expected the muffins I had left at home to do the same thing, since I assumed it was from cooling completely. But no! Crumb stuck on the liner again. So–did wrapping the bottoms of my muffins in tinfoil while they were still warm make the papers come off with no crumbs? If so, I might have to try that trick every time I make muffins or cupcakes! Any thoughts?
Anyway, on to the recipe. I hope these double chocolate zucchini muffins will help you strike the perfect breakfast balance.
If you’re looking for more amazing paleo muffins, check out the Papaya Pecan Muffins in my cookbook Paleo Planet. They’re on page 231!