This matcha avocado ice cream is delicious, easy to make and full of healthy fat. It’s gluten free with a dairy free option!
I’m working with high school students this semester, and on Mondays we have great chats about our weekends. I always feel like a boring, lame adult because every time they’re like, “What did you do this weekend?” I’m like, “Oh, I did a lot of cooking, and only a little bit of cleaning.” Welcome to my life.
I was excited last Monday because I felt like it sounded a lot cooler to say I made ice cream. Cooler both literally and figuratively, I suppose.
Of course, they wanted to know what flavor, and I wish you could have seen the looks on their faces when they found out I put avocado in my ice cream. They didn’t know what matcha was, and that part kind of flew under the radar–everyone was really stuck on the avocado.
You know what, though? It’s not weird at all. I knew I wanted to make a matcha ice cream (because matcha in all the things feels like spring to me), and I decided to throw in an avocado because green tea and avocado are spring-green-colored soul sisters. The finished product doesn’t taste like avocado, but has an added richness and health boost thanks to that sneaky addition.